Vicksburg National Military Park

Community & Government

3201 Clay St, Vicksburg, MS 39183



Vicksburg National Military Park, established in 1899, is a unit of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. The 1800 acre main portion of the park preserves the eastern Confederate defenses and Union siege lines of the Vicksburg Campaign of May - July, 1863. The park also includes several sites along the Mississippi River and Pemberton's Headquarters in downtown Vicksburg, a three acre remnant of Grant's Canal in Delta, Louisiana; and the preserved Union ironclad gunboat U.S.S. Cairo, as well as artifacts retrieved from her raising. Both the park's Visitor Center and the U.S.S. Cairo and Museum are in the main park, along with a 16 mile tour road through Union and Confederate lines.

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